Hi All,

I would like to create an archetype for my own project
structure. I made a framework with a lot of config files and
when i create a new project base on this framework, i must
copy all the files and directories structures. Is-it possible
to create such archetype ?

Here is a typical directory structure :
  +- JavaSource
  |       |
  |       + com.myentreprise.myproject
  |       |      |
  |       |      + /* sources files go here */
  |       |
  |       + config /* files and sub-directories */
  |       |
  |       + /* others config files */
  + TestSource
  + WebContent
          + /* directories and files, WEB-INF, META-INF, ... */

Can an archetype create such structure ?
I am using Eclipse, is-it possible to extend its archetype and
this way create the dependancies ?

Thanks a lot for any information.

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