Try checking to see what is happening with the versions of cargo-ant. If
necessary, define the cargo-ant plugin version 0.7 in your pom. Perhaps
there's a problem with 0.8.

Regarding hibernate, I don't know. Sometimes the reasons for these
issues just isn't detectable unless you're a total expert. Try deleting
the complete hibernate subdirectory in your repo and re-installing the
jar file. Do you have a pom for it from central? If so, reference that
in the cmd line params.


Its running ok now.I read somewhere that it could just be a matter of
connection problems on the repository.Seems like the case.When I walked in
this morning and ran 'mvn clean' , 'mvn install' to the cargo-ant
download and the download went through without a problem.Reminds me of some
applications I've worked on , where you dare NOT move the keyboard or stand
too close to the pc , otherwise the application starts failing :)

Jeff  Mutonho

GoogleTalk : ejbengine
Skype        : ejbengine
Registered Linux user number 366042

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