
I have a patched plugin in our internal repo. The repo contains the plugin
jar and the pom, both with -INTERNAL version. When I run maven that uses
this plugin, the POM is not downloaded from the internal repository, only
the plugin jar is downloaded. Here is maven output:

[DEBUG] xmlbeans-maven-plugin: resolved to version 2.0.1-INTERNAL from
repository central
[DEBUG] Trying repository central
[DEBUG] Artifact not found - using stub model: Unable to locate resource in


from the specified remote repositories:
devlab (http://my.internal.site.com:8000/maven2/repository),
central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)

[DEBUG] Using defaults for missing POM

Of course the plugin doesn't work, because it needs dependencies from the
pom. It's not clear to me, why the plugin is resolved to central repository,
because it is in internal repo only. And it is not clear to me why maven
cannot download the pom from my internal repo.

Thanks, Jan

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