Hi Craig,

You will need to build your test source as an exe and link against you
main artifact ( .lib, or dll, etc)

here is my suggestion

           link against win-x86 and use antrun to invoke the test

In the future, the plugin should provide support to merge the test as part
of the main module


On 10/11/06, Pickles, Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am fairly new to maven and currently using the native-maven-plugin

to build native source files. I am wondering what the next step should  be
to run CPPUnit tests from Maven?

Looking at the CPPUnit cookbook, the easiest solution would be to package
the compiled source as an exe and run it, however I am open to

suggestion and any help would be appreciated.

The pom files used are as follows:

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";







<!-- these should be deleted when using a parent pom-->






         <!-- configure the Mojo native plugin -->





         <!-- Make child POMs inherit this configuration -->



           <!-- All compiler flags are determined by the profile -->








             <!--main concept sdk should be a dependency-->





           <!-- Define the sources for the library build -->


             <!-- source files -->







             <!-- test files-->














   <!-- Default profile for Windows: MSVC compiler -->













<!-- Repos for using the mojo native plugin -->



     <id>Maven Snapshots</id>












     <id>Codehaus Snapshots</id>











The MSVC module pom:

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";










<name>Native MSVC</name>






       <!-- configure the Mojo native plugin -->






         <!-- All compiler flags are determined by the profile -->























       <compiler.options>/O2 /FD /EHsc /MT /nologo /c /TP









       <compiler.options>/O2 /I /D /FD /EHsc /MD /nologo /c /TP





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