Its great that these tools exist -- obviously I had no idea. ;-)

I'm going to have to take a look at both of them and perhaps integrate
one of them into our build process...

Any others worth looking at, while we're on the topic??


On 10/13/06, Wilfred Springer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Modello is similar, to some extent... Apart from the fact that it
doesn't support JAXB, Hibernate and XML Schema. ;-) Instead you would
use Modello's own schema language, their own data binding tools and JPOX
for persistency.

On Fri, 2006-10-13 at 11:29 +0200, Aleksei Valikov wrote:

> Hi.
> > Forgive me if this is a naive question but I've search the web and
> > haven't found an obvious answer.
> >
> > I'd like to find a tool that generates Java source files, SQL schema
> > files, and O/R mapping files from the same XSD file.  The input XSD file
> > (over which I have no control) defines the format of XML messages.  I
> > know that JAXB, XMLbeans, etc. can create the Java source files from
> > this type of XSD file.  However, I haven't been able to identify a tools
> > that creates the SQL schema and O/R mapping files from the same type of
> > XSD file.  The closest tool I've found is Hydrate that will generate all
> > three types of output files but it does this from a Hydrate model XSD
> > file, not from the type of XSD file that JAXB or XMLbeans would take as
> > input.
> >
> > Of course, it would be perfect if this tool could be integrated into a
> > Maven 2 build process.
> This is exactly what Hyperjaxb2 does. Take a look at:
> Hyperjaxb2 is a JAXB add-on that generates Hibernate mapping and 
configuration for JAXB classes. That is, you get *.hbm.xml and hibernate.cfg.xml.
> Hyperjaxb2 includes a Maven2 plugin.
> You don't need any special type of XSD, just normal schemas. Hyperjaxb2 will 
map everything for you. And of course you can customize the generated mappings.
> Here's a sample application:
> Bye.
> /lexi

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