First of all, I'd like to say how impressed I've been with the speed of
responses for this list.  Thanks for all the help.


I’m using the 2.0-SNAPSHOT version of the maven-changelog-plugin, and I’m
trying to get a report of, “All changes after MyApp_0_7_rc1 that went into
making MyApp_0_7_rc2.”  I have the following configuration for the plugin.
     <tag implementation="java.lang.String">MyApp_0_7_rc1</tag>
     <tag implementation="java.lang.String">MyApp_0_7_rc2</tag>

Here is my file CVS tree of one of my files:
   1.2---- MyApp_0_7_rc1
   1.5--- MyApp_0_7_rc2

When I look at the site generated change log page, I see only comments for
v1.3 and v1.4.  I would like to see the 1.5 comments because those change
went into the MyApp_0_7_rc2 release.

I see that “-r MyApp_0_7_rc1::MyApp_0_7_rc2” is by the plugin used.  I ran
a log with WinCVS and the generated log file also only contained versions
1.3 and 1.4.  The CVS documentation says the results of a log with the
double colon should list all change versions except for the MyApp_0_7_rc1
version.  When I modified the WinCVS command to only use one colon, I got
versions 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5; however, I obviously don’t want version 1.2
in my final results.

Am I doing something wrong here with ChangeLog configuration?  Is this a
CVS issue?

Thanks for the help,

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