
I would like to unpack a zip file into a source directory using Maven.
What is the best way to do this? Here are the details of what I am
trying to do:

- The zip file is essentially the Dojo JavaScript library
(ajax-2006.10.10.zip ) - it simply contains JavaScript source.

- I would like to unpack this file under my project's

- I don't know if it is ok to keep such artifacts in the maven local
repository, but for right now I have kept the Dojo library at

- I was playing around with the assembly:unpack goal to unpack the
library. I tried the following command but it absolutely did not work -
obviously I don't know how to use it:
      mvn assembly:unpack \
          -DfinalName=ajax-2006.10.10.zip \

- I would ideally like to have a goal in my pom.xml which will make it
easy to perform the unpacking, something like
      mvn unpack-dojo
  How can I create something equivalent to this?

Thanks for your help.

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