Arnaud Bailly wrote:
Gisbert Amm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

When you implement your Mojo as AbstractMavenReport, then you can
simply add it to the <plugin> section within the <reporting><plugins>
section of your POM and your report will be generated and linked into
the Maven site automagically.

That's indeed really simple :-) I think you also need to use the doxia
Sink API to have complete decoration (ie. menus).

That's straightforward aswell. You simply call the class method getSink() to get a Sink instance and can do things like

        sink.text( "some text" );

to get

        <td>some text</td>

However, than the pain starts again, since there is obviously no documentation of the Sink API at all. I'm currently reading through the Doxia sources to find out what's possible.

And don't forget
binding to site lifecycle...

You mean by adding "@phase site" to your class comment. It's probably good practise but is that really necessary? My plugin worked correctly without it and the maven-changes-plugin seems to lack it aswell ...


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