Hello there.

I'm currently working on a small plugin to maven that goes through our
codebase, checking all our modules for translated strings, and then
reporting translation percentage, which languages have translations, what
strings are missing translations etc. This was intended to be reported as
a web-page under "Project Reports" when we generate a project page through
the site-plugin (akin to how "JXR", "changes", "changelog" etc create
reports). However I am having some problems figuring out how to do this.

Does anyone know where I can find some documentation for how this is done?
I could not find any despite quite some time spent searching. Barring
that, does anyone know how my plugin should be configured? I.e. what goals
must it provide to "site", and what should it return/generate?

Any help/info at all is appreciated, I've started to read through the
source-code of other plugins now to get what I need, but that's very slow
going :-). (And my apologies if this is the wrong place to ask/it's been
asked before)

Øystein Skadsem

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