pjungwir wrote:
> Daniel Serodio-2 wrote:
>> I'm using the assembly plugin to generate a "jar with dependencies", so
>> the MANIFEST.MF is "static" (not generated dinamically); how can I add
>> the scm.revision to such a jar?
> When you say "static," do you mean that you have a MANIFEST.MF sitting on
> your filesystem, and you're telling the assembly plugin to pick it up? If
> so, then you could filter this file as a resource to get the svn info into
> it.
> Or do you just mean that the assembly plugin is creating the MANIFEST.MF for
> you? In that case, you can still customize the manifest. You do this in the
> assembly plugin's <configuration> section (in the pom, not the assembly.xml
> file). It looks just like the jar configuration:
Actually, I meant that I have a MANIFEST.MF sitting in my filesystem,
because I wasn't able to specify <manifestEntries> for the assembly plugin.

What is the difference between <manifest> and <manifestEntries> ?
> <configuration>
> <descriptorRefs><descriptorId>jar-with-dependencies</descriptorId></descriptorRefs>
>    <archive>
>     <manifestEntries>
>         <Revision>${scm.revision}</Revision>
>     </manifestEntries>
>    </archive>
> </configuration>
> At least, that's how it should work. But as far as I can tell, the assembly
> plugin only honors <manifest>, not <manifestEntries>. I think this must be a
> bug. Does anyone else know if this is right?
> Paul
There seems to be a bug alright. MASSEMBLY-121 maybe?

Daniel Serodio

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