When I generate the changelog plugin using the tag type with CVS, I get
the following string at the top of the page: "Changes from an unknown

Here is part of my POM:
     <tag implementation="java.lang.String">MyApp_0_7_rc1</tag>
     <tag implementation="java.lang.String">MyApp_0_7_rc2</tag>

If I use the date or range type, that field is filled in correctly with
the date range.  I looked at the changelog.xml file that is generated for
both the tag type and a date type, and the start and end dates attributes
were not filled in for the tag output.  I believe these start and end
attributes are was is being read in by the report generator and used for
the range.

Generated changelog.xml from tag type:
 <changeset datePattern="yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss z">

Generated changelog.xml from date type:
 <changeset datePattern="yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss z" start="20061018 00:00:00
CDT" end="20061025 00:00:00 CDT">

I looked into the changelog plugin source, and found that the changeset
element and attributes are generated by an SCM plugin object.  I tried to
go into that source code, but I was unsuccessful in tracking down the
exact location where those fields are filled in.  Is it possible to get
the tag range displayed instead of an unknown date range?


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