Glassfish's application verifier (SJAS 9.1) actually complains about
any Class-Path entry in your EAR MANIFEST... Apparently the most
recent J2EE spec disallows this, haven't looked into it much myself,
we're finally targeting JEE5 for our next release so I'm sure I'll
learn a lot of new things.

Test Name :
Test Assertion : Manifest file of an EAR file should not contain
Class-Path entries.


On 10/25/06, Max Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I agree that it is ugly, but the Jar Specification requires the
wrapping, see "Line length" in this section:

The plugin is doing the right thing.


pjungwir wrote:
> Yeah, I wish maven wouldn't wrap the Class-Path entry, too.

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