I've not configured this myself either, but I don't think this is valid XML:

If it follows the standard Maven convention, it would be:

Froms of course is not a word, but everything else is named such that
"outer node indicates multiple of inner node". Not sure what multiple
"from" elements are other than "froms". ;-)


On 10/26/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Fred

Note that I have not tried this myself, but the docs:


says that the "from" element is supposed to be a list.


would lead me to use something like this for a list:

    <from>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</from>

Give it a try and let us know if it works.

Dennis Lundberg

> Hi,
> how can I configure the 'from' ?
> Do it like this:
>                               <configuration>
>                                       <smtpHost>xx.xx.xx.xx</smtpHost>
>                                       <smtpPort 
>                                               xx
>                                       </smtpPort>
>                                       <from>
>                                               <item 
implementation="java.lang.String">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</item>
>                                       </from>
>                                       <toAddresses>
>                                               <toAddress 
>                                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                                               </toAddress>
>                                               <toAddress 
>                                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                                               </toAddress>
>                                       </toAddresses>
>                               </configuration>
> doesn't works ;-(
> It takes always the first developert from ${project.developers}
> Fredy
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