
There has a good example, jboss-messaging, which use replace stratedgy.
If you wanna check it out, after downloaded a new version, try to see that



2006/10/30, Carlos A. Carnero Delgado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


using Maven the last couple of weeks with the Jetty plugin has
provided our team with a huge productivity boost. We use the
UrlRewrite servlet[1] in order to generate "pretty" URLs (from a
Spring-backed application.) Currently, during development, this
UrlRewrite servlet (which is loaded using a <filter> tag in web.xml)
is disabled using comments.

Is there a way of modifying the web.xml at build time using Maven
profiles? Are profiles the solution?

I think that the ideal solution would involve maintaining a single
web.xml that could be modified at build time.

Best regards,
<nick> grah windows just crashed again, unstable crap.
<yukito> Windows isn't unstable, it's just spontaneous.

[1] http://tuckey.org/urlrewrite/

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