I'm currently using the m2eclipse plugin in eclipse 3.2, and it

But today I thought that it was a pity that it didn't have a POM
editor.  So I googled for "eclipse pom editor" and discovered
(which has a POM editor, in case you wondered)

So I'm wondering about the relationship between m2eclipse and
mevenide, eg. are they in conflict?  Are they complimentary?  What
advantages do one offer over the other?

Googling for "mevenide vs. m2eclipse" found me this
search for "mevenide" in that page for "Eclipse integration" and
you'll find an article saying mevenide only supports maven 1.x.

But this was in April.  Does anyone know if that's still the case?

The http://mevenide.codehaus.org/ says the NetBeans plugin has Maven 2
support, but since nonde of the other mentions it I'm assuming they
are still on Maven 1.x?


- Steinar

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