Dear Maven Users,
I am trying to automate the release process by using continuum and maven 2.
Actually I am having this problem : I can release my root project, but any
other project depending on it fails during the release:prepare, because the
version-range dependency
(say [5.0.0,) ) about the root project is resolved against the latest
continuum build which is a SNAPSHOT.

If I try to write the dependency version as RELEASE everything seem to work,
but this makes life hard on the developer's side, since they should stay on
the latest SNAPSHOT; continuum itself should stay on the SNAPSHOT except
during releases too...

I am thinking of writing a couple of profiles and declaring different
versions by using the dependencymanagement mechanism, is this the right

Shouldn't the release plugin resolve an open-right version range against the
latest RELEASE instead of the latest SNAPSHOT?

By the way, the release plugin doesn't seem to create the release-pom.xml,
and this makes it very hard to reproduce the release afterwards... Its code
seem to be all commented out, have you got any workaround?

Thank you very much in advance,

Luca Dall'Olio

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