Wayne Fay wrote:
I don't personally know of any M2 plugins which could do this.

It seems like you should be able to use the HTTP Post Ant task from
Antelope [1] to do it along with Maven Antrunner plugin.

[1] http://antelope.tigris.org/nonav/docs/manual/bk03ch17.html


We've got a custom web form used internally to deploy web applications to our qa server. I'd like to automate the resulting http POST within Maven.
Is anyone aware of any plugins that can do this? I've checked the main
maven site and codehaus without any obvious choices.
Greg Vaughn
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Perhaps you could write a small plugin that's based on the commons-httpclient library. Read this blog entry *http://weblogs.java.net/blog/joshy/archive/2006/11/a_quick_intro_t.html

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