The war plugin will create an "exploded" (pre-archived) version of the webapp in the directory you configure using the "webappDirectory" property.

However, it sounds like you might be trying to build the exploded webapp in your warSourceDirectory, which you have configured to be src/webapp. If you want to build the exploded webapp in your source directory, use 'mvn war:inplace' instead of changing the webappDirectory property.

Be aware that building "inplace" is undesirable for a number of reasons, mainly relating to the mixing of source and build artifact files in the same directory structure.

maven-war-plugin usage doc:


jiangshachina wrote:
Oh, I may find the problem.
I shall use following scripts,
The warSourceDirectory is my pre-archived directory ^_^
In fact, I didn't understand the doc correctly.
Really, I don't understand webappDirectory well, too.
How to explain the parameter?

a cup of Java, cheers!
Sha Jiang

jiangshachina wrote:
Hello, I'm using customized project directory structure.
To standard Maven Web application project, when run "mvn package",
a folder generated at directory target, the folder includes all of
files/dirs would be archived to war file.
I call the folder pre-archived directory :D
I customized three parameters in maven-war-plugin,
and then Maven regards src/webapp as pre-archived directory, that's not my
But I don't find which parameter is used for setting pre-archived
directory :(

a cup of Java, cheers!
Sha Jiang

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