What I do is put the utility jar in my dependency for the war as compile.
Then I put an exclude in the pom for the war that tells it to leave out the
jar and not put it into the war. The classloader for your application server
should cause the war to have access to the jar since it is in the ejb jar's
classpath. This has to do with the nesting of the classloaders. Some app
servers let you change the way that works though.

-- Lee

On 11/14/06, Enrique Gaona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi folks,

We have a J2EE application project (ear) which contains one Web project
(war), one EJB project and one utilities java project.
The war and EJB jar projects depends from the same utilities project.
We included the WEB, EJB and utilities projects as dependencies into the
ear pom file, so all three output files are included into ear file.
EJB project works as expected it only adds Class-Path: entry into its
Manifest.MF class

The problem with the Web project, it adds the common utility jar file into
its WEB-INF/lib directory. We tried to change the dependency scope from
"compile" to "provided". In this case neither the jar was  added nor the
Class-Path: entry.

How can we specify dependency from the common utility jar file in the
pom file?

Any help is appreciated.  Thanks


-- Lee Meador
Sent from gmail. My real email address is lee AT leemeador.com

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