thank it works

On 11/15/06, Arnaud HERITIER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

in your project or user settings you define the property


On 11/14/06, Neeraj Bisht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi
>     we are using GWT ,and we build our GWT project with maven 1.x ,now
> google release new jar and this time the jar path should not contain any
> spaces in between the path
> but we all know that maven build the repository at
> $(userhome}/.maven/repositort
> and  userhome contain spaces like c:/document and seeting/....   (by
> default
> maven genrate the local repository at this location)
> now i need to change the local repository to the place where there is no
> space in path
> like c:/mavenrepository
> in maven 2.x i know we can do it by seeting.xml how we can do in maven
> 1.xplease any body tell me with example
> Regards
> Neeraj

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