On 11/23/06, AndreasWuest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i have seen the guide, but it did not really convice me. so this guide
tells me that i need at least two eclipse instances.
one that only servers as a cvs client, and one which is used as java ide.

i can't see the disadvantage of having a .project and a .classpath
created in the parent, with properly set src and output folders.
correct me if i am wrong, but the only disadvantage would be the fact,
that it might be complicated to collect all the
data and create the correct paths, or do i miss something ? once the src
and output folders are set correctly everything
is supposed to work fine, no need for two eclipse instances and
inconvenient importing actions.

You don't need two eclipse instances.

The problem as Thomas Recloux points out is that each module has a
different classpath.
The parent "project" in eclipse should not be an aggregation of all
module classpaths.  It should just be a simple project with no
java/classpath details in it at all.

The problem is that eclipse does not support projects whose folder
structure lives within an already mounted project.  In Eclipse 3.2
this restriction has been lifted slightly.

With the snapshot build of the eclipse:eclipse plugin you can get
correct .project and .classpath created for your entire maven project
tree.  You then need to open the navigator view and delete the parent
project's ".project" file, File -> Import -> General -> Existing
projects into Workspace -> Select root directory = your project root,
and then select all the project you want to import.  If you forget to
delete the parent project's ".project" file then the list of projects
will be empty.

The above setup means you can use one CVS checkout of your parent
root, load the parent and all modules in eclipse and use CVS correctly
at any of the mounted projects.
If you are using subversion I believe there is an outstanding bug with
subclipse that causes projects within projects to consume 100% CPU.

The Nabble archives have plenty of discussions on this.
See http://www.nabble.com/forum/ViewPost.jtp?post=5862059&framed=y&skin=177

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