Eric, (and other readers)

I am a little confused and maybe I am missing something.

Earlier I had a large bunch of "leaf projects" (basically a large number of
logical components) each one of them was an independent CVS module, and
they inherited their properties from a separate parents (and these parents
from other grandparents). I worked for hours to able to try to get the release plugin work with such a structure. I eventually gave up after realising that the release plugin functionality required that the "parent" (not the multi module) had to be the parent directory for each of the "leaf projects" (and not some other directory that one referenced using relative paths) and that was the only way
I figured I could make the release plugin work.

As of now the "higher level project" is the CVS module and it is simultaneously the parent and a multimodule. If I nest the "leaf projects" inside the multimodule and move the parent into a peer directory I cannot get the release plugin to work though I can address the parent and inherit from the same using a relative path. If I decide to keep the "higher level project" as the parent but move the multi-module responsibility to another project, I cannot figure out how I can address the
component modules using relative paths from the multi-module.

I am also unable to easily fold a lot of such "leaf projects" into a single "metaproject" since each leaf project is a very substantial piece of functionality (avg. size of 100000 lines of code) and large enough to require to be tracked as a project in its own right
with a fairly sophisticated set of dependencies across them.

Not sure if I am making sense. Not sure if I misunderstood something. Any light
that could be shed on this situation would be most helpful.


Eric Redmond wrote:
Let be clear here... its releasing all of them NOT because it is a parent of
the other two, but because they are MODULES of the "parent" (acutally
multi-module). When a project is contains module projects, you are
effectively asking Maven to propogate any actions on the multi-module pom to
each of its modules. The simplest way to get the bahavior you want is to
create two projects: a multi-module, containing B and C as modules, and a
parent from which they may inherit.


On 11/22/06, Dhananjay Nene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sorry - I made a mistake - the scenario documented below should've read :

If I change only files in the project C (and make no changes whatsoever
to any files in B).

Dhananjay Nene wrote:
> The current maven release behaviour seems to force me to release a
> sub-project and increment its version number even if there is no code
> change done whatsover for the project.
> I have a parent project (say A) with child projects (say B and C). The
> pom for A lists B and C as modules. Let us assume that each of them
> has been released with a 1.1 version.
> <statement-in-error>If I change only files in the project B (and make
> no changes whatsoever to any files in C)</statement-in-error>, I would
> like the subsequent release numbers for A and C to be incremented to
> 1.2 and B to stay at 1.1.  Can someone help how to achieve that ?
> Dhananjay
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Things I tried and did not work :
> (a) Changed the pom.xml in B to use version number 1.1 instead of
> 1.2-SNAPSHOT (which was what it got incremented to when the earlier
> release was performed).
> (b) Made the "next" version number for B when releasing 1.1-SNAPSHOT
> to be 1.2 instead of 1.2-SNAPSHOT (the latter is the default value)
> (c) Trying to first do a release for C and then for A
> (d) Explicitly documenting the dependency in A's 1.2-SNAPSHOT pom.xml
> onto B as "1.1" and not "1.2-SNAPSHOT"
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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