On 11/23/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 11/22/06, Barrie Treloar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks Wendy, site:run starts the site up, which isn't what I am after.
> I want to parse "my_doc.apt" into html to check whether it converts correctly.
> Waiting 1 minute for the entire site to be generated (with 3
> lifecycles because of docchk, cobertura and base lifecycle) is too
> much of a wait to see that I missed a closing } on my link.

What am I missing?  If you edit the apt and then refresh your browser,
you'll know immediately whether the apt is correct.  (If it's not,
you'll get a blank page in the browser, and a stack trace in the
console where you started jetty.)

Right, well that's not what I expected to happen.

I expected the web site to refresh the html but not to regenerate any
files created from apts.

One nit pick, the css file appears to be missing, at least the layout
of the page is ugly.
And I get errors about:

:WARN:  /css/maven-theme.css:

:WARN:  /css/site.css:

Thanks for the help!

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