I would like maven to put my resources not into the jar file, but next
to classes in a resources directory, so my structure would be:

Component +
          - lib +
                - mycomponent.jar
          - resources +
                      - myresource.xml


Could anybody help how to tell the resource processor plugin where to
put it? I could tell only relative path within target/classes, but not
relative to output directory.

If you want to build something that contains jars and other files,
look at the assembly plugin:

(The current version is actually 2.1, not 2.2 as it says.)

Otherwise, whatever you put in src/main/resources will be mirrored in
the jar.  So if you want something at the "top level" of the jar, put
it directly in src/main/resources.  Then create the desired directory
structure from there.  It will overlay (or sit beside) the classes
compiled from code in src/main/java.  You can use <resources> in the
pom to identify things to copy into the jar.


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