On 12/4/06, Mohni, Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> -----Original Message-----

> My position is that the POMs which come from the main sites
> can (and will)
> contain anything (even illegal XML, broken checksums, etc).
> The proxy has
> to handle all these case gracefully or at least to support
> the admin in
> doing so.
> I'm missing these functions in archiva:
> - Generic proxy (so the POMs can't mess with your mirror settings).

from my point of view this has nothing to do with archiva, this is a
maven problem.
I don't know if you can setup a generic proxy in your settings.xml as I
find anyhing in the documentation, but maybe there is a hidden option

checkout http://maven.apache.org/settings.html

You can use * as mirror id to mactch all servers since maven 2.0.5
(not yet released) or Maestro 1.1 that you can get from

> - Regenerate checksum (for all downloads which I needed to fix)

As far as I know this is one of the features that will be implemented
into archiva,
maybe it's already in the daily builds but I didn't tested them the last
few days...

> - Lock down file (so Archiva will not try to download it
> again even if the
> remote site says "but I have new version" or the user says "get the
> newest, hottest snapshots!").

this can be done be done on user site with the usePluginRegistry
property set to true,
but this is not realy nice as you will have to confirm every plugin

loking files in the proxy is only usefull if this is used for all users,
is this
realy what you want ?
What will you do if another team use another version....

> I can live without the last two but the first one is a must, IMHO.

-> fill an issue on the maven project, maybe it's already in jira...

just my two cents


I could give you my word as a Spaniard.
No good. I've known too many Spaniards.
                            -- The Princess Bride
  • Re: Antwort: RE: Antwort: RE: Proxy settings Carlos Sanchez

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