Updated MOJO-483 with my changed files as previously mentioned.

Tkae a look when you have a chance...


On 12/9/06, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The code submitted from MattW doesn't work entirely right for some
reason... I added the proper configuration etc (with 2 stylesheets)
and yet I only ever ended up with 1 compiled class file.

So I modified the code myself and used the XSLTC.compile(Vector)
method rather than XSLTC.compile(URL) multiple times, and now it works
great. ;-)

Oh also, the MattW contribution requires JDK5 for no particular reason
(enhanced for loop) so I converted the for loops back to old style and
it works fine in JDK1.4.2. Haven't tested yet with JDK1.3 but don't
see any obvious reason why it wouldn't work.

I'll update the MOJO-483 with my changes later today. Mark, check it
out when you have a chance, it works great. Then perhaps we'll see
about merging it with xml-m-p.


On 12/9/06, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just found this:
> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MOJO-483
> Haven't tried it yet, but it teaches me to search JIRA first next
> time! And even if this isn't perfect, it gives me something to work
> with rather than starting from scratch.
> Thanks to Matt Whitlock if you're reading... And I'm curious why this
> didn't ever land in MOJO as a proper plugin etc?
> Wayne
> On 12/6/06, Mark Hobson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 06/12/06, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Good point, Mark. Depending on the results of some things out of my
> > > control, I'm going to probably need to use XSLTC during the build
> > > process, so I'll see about adding the functionality to that existing
> > > plugin. Assuming I get it working (currently works great from command
> > > line but not from Ant), I'll certainly contribute the code back for
> > > the benefit of others.
> >
> > Great, I'd definitely be interested in helping out if needs be.  Our
> > requirements would be to make it as pluggable as possible, since we
> > have custom URIResolver's and the like.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Mark
> >
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