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Hi Alexander,

I like this idea, and if I may, I'd like to add one suggestion.  How
about allowing the users settings.xml to 'include' a settings.xml from a
different location (file, url, whatever).  This would allow developers
to customize the settings.xml while still having a central repo for the
global settings ...

My two cents,



Alexander Schwartz wrote:
> Hi,
> I am configuring m2 for a corporate enviroment.
> Some of our goals are to
>  [goal #1] reduce the local (user depending) configuration,
>  [goal #2] reduce the manual steps to install/maintain a local m2
> installation on
>                on a developer machine or a build server.
> The m2 book `Better builds with Maven' suggests to manage the m2
> installation using an SCM tool. (BTW, the `vendor branch' idee helps to
> simplify this; compare for instance
> http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/ch07s05.html)
> The configuration for the corporate environment resides in the patched
> settings.xml in
> the SCM. The settings.xml file for each user can be reduced to a few lines
> containing login data only.
> To install m2 on a developer machine a checkout from SCM (followed by
> setting some
> environment variables) is sufficient. This satisfies goal #1.
> However, what about goal #2 with respect to changes of the global
> settings.xml file?
> In this case every developer has to update its m2 checkout installation
> manually to
> receive the fresh settings. This is too error prune. We would appreciate
> a solution
> which ensures that the m2 configuration is fresh every time m2 is
> executed (without
> any manual interaction steps).
> Our current solution/workaround is to patch the m2 start scripts and
> perform an
> SCM update of the local working copy of the local settings.xml file
> before executing m2.
> I would prefer if m2 would read its configuration from an URL. In this case
> we could use an http URL pointing to the settings.xml file in our
> subversion system.
> M2 allows to relocate the global settings file using the following
> system property:
>  -Dorg.apache.maven.global-settings=/path/to/global/settings.xml
> (Compare
> http://www.nabble.com/MAVEN_INSTALL_DIR-conf-settings.xml-tf2731054s177.html#a7617614)
> This system property allows to specify a path to an appropriate settings
> file, but
> unfortunately you cannot provide an URL to such a file.
> MY QUESTION IS, what do you think about extending the semantics of
> 'org.apache.maven.global-settings' to support URLs, too?
> Any votes for such a change request?
> In case of many Ys I will file an issue + commit a patch (including unit
> tests).
> BTW, for which is the correct JIRA project to file such an issue?
> Best regards,
> Alex
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