Hi Andy,

On 09/01/07, andy law (RI) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a situation where I need to build a webapp that has an applet
included in its web tree. I have been trying to work out how to use the
assembly plugin to achieve this, with no success.

I can make the web-app dependent on the applet, in which case the applet
is included in WEB-INF/lib inside the war file. However, I need it to be
in / (the root of the war) in order for it to be visible to be deployed
through the server to the browser client.

Yep, I encountered this a while back and raised:

There is a second problem too. In order to get the applet built to
include *its* dependencies, I've been using the assembly module there
too. It generates a jar file called
project-applet-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar which of course
doesn't get pushed into the local repository. It is this version that I
want to make my web app dependent on/include.

So, how do I...

A) make the applet project deploy the fully built (including
dependencies) jar into my local repository
B) make the web app dependent on that
C) install the applet into the target location inside the webapp,
preferably also preventing it from being installed in the WEB-INF/lib

I achieved this by creating a war project that contained the applet
jar and it's dependencies, and then used it as a war-overlay in the
main webapp project.  The overlay war dynamically brought it in the
applet and it's dependencies by using the antrun plugin and the maven
ant tasks.  It's a bit of a long-winded route, but it works.

I believe the dependency plugin can also be used to achieve this, and
would be a lot simpler, but I haven't got round to trying it myself.


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