Though I cannot remember just now I know that some of the getSomethings calls return less detailed info than the individual getSomething calls. for example getBuilds will not return all the dumped data but getBuild will.
At least something along those lines iirc.


On 12 Jan 2007, at 16:19, Laurent Forêt wrote:


I am working on the Netbeans integration of continuum and I have a
trouble in getting developer list on the "continuum.getProjects" call.
Indeed, for each project the developers list is empty. I have to call
the "continuum.getProject" to get the real developers list.

I am using the facade already developped by Milos
( continuum-1.0.3/continuum-rpc-client/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/ continuum/rpc/

I do not think it is due to the Milos code.

My question is : do you think it is  Contnuum dev issue ?

best regards.


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