I know the Maven Dev team is working on M2.0.5 along with some new
plugin releases right now, so perhaps they can look at m-ejb-p once
those releases are all done.

Unsure when the next release will be available; you'd need to check
with the developer(s) responsible for m-ejb-p to be sure. I'm curious
why you want to know when it will be released -- are there specific
JIRA bugs with patches available that you would like to be applied to
have another release cut?

In the meantime, you can pull the m-ejb-p code down from SVN, apply
the patches, and release it under your own version number or groupId
if you require some specific bug fixes until they make a formal


On 1/12/07, Dário Luís Coneglian Oliveros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does anyone know when maven-ejb-plugin 2.1 will be released ?

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