(Note: I'm aware that to actually create a target platform separate
from the eclipse installation, the plugins have to be copied to a
location separate from the eclipse installation, and that installation
be set as the PDE target platform.  I do this already to be able to
use other OSGi bundles from inside an eclipse RCP app.  The parts I'm
asking about, are the steps that deploy into the maven repo)

>>>>> "Barrie Treloar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>> To be specific, if my eclipse install dir is /usr/local/eclipse-32/,
>> does the eclipse:make-artifacts goal deploy everything under
>> /usr/local/eclipse-32/plugins/?  Or does it copy just the eclipse
>> runtime?  (if so, how does it know what to take?)
>> If it copies just the runtime, I understand why the RCP must be
>> deployed in addition.
>> If it copies everything, then deploying the RCP may not be neccessary,
>> if RCP has been installed in the eclipse installation first...?

> The make-artifacts goal only copies the plugins. It does nothing with
> the runtime.

What I meant to ask was: Does make-artifacts only deploy those plugins
from /usr/local/eclipse-32/plugins that are known parts of the eclipse
runtime to the repository?  Or does it deploy _all_ plugins it finds
at that location?

(when you install an eclipse plugin, if you don't do anything special,
it's just installed over the installation)

> To build your RCP application you need an Eclipse Target Platform,
> which is best created separately from your Eclipse Install.  This
> allows you to be using Eclipse 3.2 for the build process but Eclipse
> RCP 3.1 for the application you are building.

Hm... I see, I think.  Doing both these steps will create two sets of
the runtime in the eclipse repo.  One for 3.2 taken from the
installation, and one for 3.1 taken from the zip file?

So if you want 3.2 for both the installation, and for the application,
installing the RCP isn't neccessary?

Or am I misunderstanding?

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