On 1/8/07, drekka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,
I've just added an update to the getting started wiki page to take a user
through a complete setup and configuration using the standalone version of
Achiva. You can find it
http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVENUSER/Getting+Started+with+Archiva HERE
in the wiki . As I'm still working out a lot of things and trying them
myself, please have a read and add in things I didn't understand or missed.

Also want to thank Eric for his blog on the same thing which was a big help
and you guys for helping me get Archiva going.

(Thread starred in GMail so I don't miss it).

Life's forced me to miss a couple of Friday's working on Archiva
docs/testing (business trip + my laptop for such things is dead
*gnashing of teeth*), so I'll be aiming to do this next Friday.

Thanks for not giving up on Archiva Derek, and for contributing back :)


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