That works ! Thanks for your help. Is there any plan to support "statementContext" in the plugin ? I'd like to exclude all my loggers... BTW, I'll try to understand how that works and see if i can contribute


Vincent Massol a écrit :
Hi David,

I think the reason is because the <contextFilter> configuration element is a property of the report mojo and thus it needs to be defined in the <reporting> section and not in the <build> section. For example:

          <!-- Verify that context filters work -->

Let me know if this works for you and I'll update the documentation.


On Jan 18, 2007, at 11:07 PM, c_inconnu2 wrote:

Hi Vincent,

Thanks for your answer. Indeed there is no reason that it should work : I was just wondering... But I tried to use contextFilters and I cannot manage to get it work either. Here is a part of my pom :





I tested with this :

public static String f()
               Class.forName("AAA");                        }
       catch (Exception e)
           // TODO: handle exception
       return "f";

If I understand, the line Class.forName("BBB"); should be reported as not tested ??? But it is in red in the report ("statement not executed"). And Class.forName("AAA"); was executed

Thanks for your help

Vincent Massol a écrit :
Hi David,

Why are you assuming that <statementContext> would work?

Just check the plugin documentation and you'll see that the correct tag name is <contextFilters>. Just check the documentation for more details and examples.


On Jan 17, 2007, at 11:46 PM, c_inconnu2 wrote:


I am trying to configure Clover to use "contextFilters" with "statementContext". Here is my pom.xml :

<statementContext name="log" regexp="^logger\..*" /> <!--statementContext name="iflog" regexp="^if \(logger\.is.*" /--> <statementContext name="iflog" regexp="if.?.?log.*\.isDebugEnabled.*}" />

as you can see, I tried many things. I looked the clover site, search mailing lists but nothing... I even looked into the plugin source code : it seems that it does not handle "statementContext".
But since even the "try" context does not work...

Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks


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