Thanks for the help - Maruf

Niels Gylling wrote:
Have both the war and the ejb depend on the common code, it will then be bundled in WEB-INF/lib in the war.
Aleo ensure that the ejb has a classpath entry to the commmon code like

At some point you will need to deploy the ejb to a container. The j2ee way of doing so is an ear file.


Maruf Aytekin wrote:
The common code needs to into war file too. How could I do that without using two copies of the common code?



Niels Gylling wrote:
ejbs can only depend on jars, so create a shared module artifact containing common code.


Maruf Aytekin wrote:

I have a multi module project as below:

  |----war/ pom
  |---- ejb/pom

ejb and war project are the subprojects for main. some classes in ejb depends on the classes in war project. Since packaging is war for this project howshould i define this dependency? Is there a standart way to do this?

Many thanks in advance


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