Ok, lemme see if I can do this one - being a newbie myself :)

srinivas ramgopal wrote:

Hi all,

I am new to Maven.

1) What is the purpose of remote repository (other than ibilbilo)
To store stuff not in ibiblio - for example your own stuff

2) Whenever a file is modified in a maven project how is the SNAPSHOT jar
updated in the remote repository?
Using mvn deploy, after inserting proper <distributionManagement/> section into your pom

3) Are there two different ways to adding a dependency jar and a project
artifact jar to the remote repository?
Not sure I understand that one.

4) Is maven 'deploy' goal and actualy copying of a dependency or artifact
jar to remote repository same?
Yes, I guess... artifact != jar. an artifact can be anything, but will include at least a pom. What the artifact will be depends on your <packaging/> setting.

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