Hi Rune,

Sounds nice - I didn't know macker :) It should also be pretty easy to
wrap to ant task in a mojo - thus making pom reading requiring much
less sandwiches.

Thanks for sharing !

On 14/02/07, Rune Flobakk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've recently been trying out the Macker tool (http://innig.net/macker)
to enforce architectural rules in a project of mine. I did some
searching in this mailing list as well as Google if there was a way to
run Macker with Maven 2, but only found questions from others asking how
this should be done. The existing maven-macker-plugin is for Maven 1,
though I have seen a message that there apparently is a Maven 2 plugin
in development.

Anyway, I have been fiddling around a bit and found a way to run Macker
in Maven 2 until a proper plugin is available, which I thought I'd share
  here for anyone interested. As I still consider myself as a Maven 2
newbie, I would appreciate any feedback on this solution, if it seems
reasonable at all. This is the first time I use the antrun plugin, and I
have no experience using Ant before at all.

The description below is for a simple single project following the
directory structure expected as default by Maven 2. It should however be
simple to adapt it. This is going to be a bit lengthy, so bring a sandwich.

1. In your POM:

                   <ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml"
                      <target name="macker"/>

2. The build.xml file in ${basedir}. The location for this is configured
in the POM plugin configuration above (antfile="${basedir}/build.xml").

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project name="project-title" default="macker">
       Ant task to run the Macker tool.

    <target name="macker">
       <taskdef name="macker"
             This classpath tells Macker where to look for its own
             libraries, and the libraries used by the primary classes.
          <classpath refid="maven.plugin.classpath" />

              Rules come from this file:
         <rules dir="src/test/macker" includes="macker.xml" />

              Macker will apply those rules to these primary classes:
          <classes dir="target/classes">
             <include name="**/*.class" />

3. The macker rules are placed in ${basedir}/src/test/macker/macker.xml.
This location is specified in build.xml above at
  <rules dir="src/test/macker" includes="macker.xml" />

<?xml version="1.0"?>
           "-//innig//DTD Macker 0.4//EN"

    <ruleset name="Architectural rules for StoryType">
            Define some rules here.
            See http://innig.net/macker/guide/index.html

Using 'mvn antrun:run' will run Macker on your compiled classes in

I hope I haven't forgot anything, and that this may be of interest for
others as well :)


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