On 2/14/07, Aliaksandr Radzivanovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Suppose I have two modules in my project: module1 and module2, and the
later depends on the former.
When I execute command 'mvn assembly:assembly', maven compiles first
module successfully. But when it proceeds to the second module, maven
complaints with error that the module1 dependency cannot be resolved.
This is because assembly plugin does not install module artifacts to
the local repository.
Sure, I can execute command  'mvn install assembly:assembly', but this
one takes too much time because it compiles the whole project and
executes unit tests twice: first when installing, then when
I would prefer if maven would compile, test, package and assemble the
whole project in one round. Is this possible?

I imagine you can create a 3rd project (project3), which depends on
project1 and project2, and has the assembly definition.

As such, your assemblage process consists in:
project1 -> mvn install
project2 -> mvn install
project3 -> mvn assembly:assembly

Can this work for you?

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