svn:// or scm:svn:// aren't standard protocols, so continuum doesn't accept them. In the 
"Add Project" page, you can use only http(s)/ftp/file protocols.
file protocol is allowed only if it's configured in application.xml


Ronald Pieterse a écrit :
I'm trying to put a Maven 2 multi module project into Continuum but for some reason I can't seem to get the scm-url right (according to Continuum). My project is set up as follows: I have a parent module which holds no source code, only a pom.xml:

<connection>scm:svn://development/tripolis_dialog/trunk</connection> <developerConnection>scm:svn://development/tripolis_dialog/trunk</developerConnection>

    ... dependencies and plugins ...


The submodule poms have no scm specs but this is inherited from the parent (right?):


Now the first part works good (providing the M2 POM Url) and the projects are created (so continuum says) but then the building does not start due to the error:

Cannot checkout sources.//development/tripolis_dialog/trunk url isn't a valid svn URL.
The scm url is invalid.

Any idea on where I go from here?

p.s. of course I've tried all kinds of variants of the url like:


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