Several things to do.

Make sure the ID you use here -> -DrepositoryId=xxxMavenRepo
is the same ID you use the appropriate <server> section of your
That ID is how the command line deploy:deploy-file binds the credentials
found in the settings.xml to the deploy request.
Also, make sure you use the correct URL syntax.
It should read as
-Durl=dav: for WebDAV.
Problem here, is that wagon-webdav is not present in the core maven
client installation.
So ... you cannot do anonymous webdav deployments with maven.

- Joakim

Alexey Kakunin wrote:
> Hello!
> I just checked out and built latest version of archiva and tried to use.
> First I tried to make it working under Tomcat.... in general it
> started to
> work - but...
> Finally I decied to switch to archiva-plexus-runtime  -about tomcat
> problems
> I will write a little bit later.
> So, under as plexus runtime it started to work much better - I created
> repository xxx, I created user and assigned roles for this user:
> Repository Manager - xxx
> Repository Observer - xxx
> I can open my quite
> well
> as this user and browse it. But, then I'm trying to deploy file into
> repository with using:
> mvn deploy:deploy-file -DrepositoryId=xxxMavenRepo -Durl=
> -DgroupId= .....
> I've got error 409.
> In the archiva logs I found followed:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Feb 19, 2007 4:42:06 PM
> org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$Context log
> INFO: RepositoryServlet: Authorization Denied
> [ip=,isWriteRequest=true,permission=archiva-upload-repository]
> : no matching permissions
> -->>> request ----------------------------------------------------------
> -->
> /archiva/repository/xxx/jspwiki/java2html/2.4.6/java2html-2.4.6.jar
> HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: Java/1.5.0_06
> Host:
> Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
> Connection: keep-alive
> Content-Length: 192282
> Authorization: Basic YWtha3VuaW46ZW1mMHJnZQ==
> It seems like user I'm using for uploading has no right for upload (I
> specified user name and password in maven2 settings.xml).
> I'm using Linux as server and WinXP as client. Seems I missed
> something in
> configuration - could anybody point me?

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