I've created a settings.xml that lists all of our internal repositories
(some Maven 1, some Maven 2).  One of these repositories contains the
parent POM for the project I'm trying to build.  However, Maven reports
that it can't "locate resource in repository" and lists all of the
repositories in settings.xml.
Looking at the debug output, it seems like Maven is only looking for the
parent pom in the first of the repositories in this list (the one just
after central).  The correct repository is the second one in the list.
To test this theory, I removed the repository it was having problems
with from settings.xml.  Sure enough, Maven found the parent pom just
fine.  I also changed the ID of the repository in settings.xml (which
changes its position in the list--must be a HashMap or something) and it
found the parent pom just fine in this situation, too.
Obviously, this is some sort of bug somewhere.  Has anyone seen this and
has it already been reported?  If not, where do I go from here (i.e.
where would I report this and what additional reproduction information
would you need)?

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