I did a presentation on Maven last night at the Connecticut Java Users Group (www.cooug.org/java).
 There were a couple questions that I couldn't answer:

1) I've already got a large multi-module Idea project. How do I convert that to a POM (or multiple POMs)? Do I have to create the POM by hand in text editor?

 Would this person have to refactor the project and hand edit the pom?

3) The tricky part about third party libs is that I need the source code, too, for debugging, even though I want build against the distributed jar. In the past, source code for Mavenized libs hasn't been supported too well. Has this changed, and is it it now common to get source code when you grab a Mavenized project?

Any solution for this? I have seen anything for this digging around.

BTW: Maven was very well received.


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