I'm not sure about how maven does this, but "matching the first encountered"
does not necessarily imply anything sorted.



I'd like to have more information about the new way to resolve
in maven 2.0.5.

In the release notes, you write "...when two exist at the same depth in
dependency graph, by matching the first encountered.".
Picking up the FIRST element means there's a sorted list somewhere... But
how are dependencies sorted in the parsing ? I've changed the order of
dependencies in the pom many times to test the behaviour, and I noticed
that nothing changed at all ! At the same depth, the dependency resolution
order shown in the log (with the -X option) is always the same. I guess
some kind of hash map may be used to store dependencies, and iterating on
this map always gives the exact same order each time ??

So I agree that this method will be totally determinist, but wouldn't it
better to take the MOST RECENT version when you have two identical
artefacts at the same depth level ?
In this latest maven version, users have no way to influence on the
dependency to be used by ordering manually the items in the pom, so
forced to put these dependencies at a higher level in the graph, which
unnecessarily increase the poms size...
What's your point of view about that ?

Thanks for your help !


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