On 3/8/07, Daniel Beland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ok let me explin it with more details.

I have projects A, B and C, giving artifacts a-1.0.jar, b-1.0.war and

B as a dependency on a-1.0.jar
C as a dependency on a-1.0.jar.

We modify A and B only => (A version should become a-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar)
But the developer commit it and forget to change the version, the local lib
a-1.0.jar is installed over with what should have been a-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar.

The build of B breaks because a-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar cannot be found, he
realizes it and change it. Everything seems ok from now on, no harms done.

We make a modification to C later, build of C breaks, we don't understand
why and can spend a long time trying to find out the reason (because the
local lib a-1.0.jar is not the same as on the central repository). We have
to delete it from the local repository to make sure it is downloaded
properly next time.

To make sure this kind of situation does not happen again, I would like to
install the artifacts only when the version is SNAPSHOT. With cruise control
I cannot configure it to build the project only when the version is
SNAPSHOT. I need to find a way to do it within the maven build lifecycle.

OK got it.

If you use the release plugin then your developpers won't make the
mistake again as the version change in the pom will happen

I personally empty the local repository under my profile (and CC's
one) every now and then because I want to avoid caching issues.


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