Look for a Continuous Integration server available for both Windows
and Linux that can compile your code etc on both environments.
Depending on your SCM, you might be able to wire things up so both
builds are automatically started any time code is checked in, or just
do a hourly/nightly build etc.


On 3/20/07, Christian Clauss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello everybody,

I'm trying to do an asynchron build process. I have to build my files on a
Linux environment and on a Windows environment. Actually these two build
processes run one and then the other. I copy the files via the ant scp-task
to the Linux machine and start the build process by running a shell script.
When finished are the files copied back to Windows using the ant scp-task
again. Subsequently the build process on the Windows environment is started.
The code is written in C++ so it's necessary that it is compiled on both

My question: is it possible in Maven2 that the build process on a Linux
environment is started and at the same time the Windows build is started?
After one of the two builds has finished, Maven2 has to wait for the other
process to finish and then continue. Is this possible to realise?

Thanks a lot for your endeavours to assist.


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