
I found the thread but nothing came out. In the end it looks like you
have to run maven twice :-(


On 3/23/07, Rodrigo Ruiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Mmmm, I think there was a mention in another thread to how to create
several artifacts for different configurations in only one call to mvn
(I think it was related to create jars with and without debug
information, or something like that).

Maybe the same technique could be applied here, but I haven't been able
to find the thread :-( Does anybody remember the thread I am talking about?


David Jackman wrote:
> Maven won't deploy to more than one repository at all, let alone having
> some artifacts go to one repository and a different set go to another.
> I've created a pom with two profiles indicating a different
> distributionManagement section and activated both, but the artifact was
> only deployed to the first repository.
> A quick look at Jira didn't find an enhancement request for deploys to
> multiple repositories; I should write that up, since I still do want to
> do it.  But even that wouldn't do what you're looking to do.  What you
> want would require earmarking each artifact for specific repositories.
> That would probably require the support of the plugins creating the
> artifacts (since they are the only things that know about these
> artifacts).
> ..David..
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Samuel Le Berrigaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:40 AM
> To: Maven Users
> Subject: Deploying to multiple repositories
> Hi all,
> here is what I am trying to achieve:
> - I have two repositories;
>    -- a public one where only binaries go,
>    -- and a private one where binaries, sources and javadocs go.
> I would like to be able to deploy to those two repositories by running
> 'mvn deploy' (once).
> What I thought could be (almost) possible would be to define two
> executions for the maven-deploy-plugin that would use two different
> profiles with the proper configuration for distirbution repositories,
> binaries, sources and javadocs generations.
> Unfortunately I could not find how to activate profiles just for an
> execution! I have the feeling that profiles are activated for the whole
> lifcycle and that there is no way to change that through configuration
> at the moment...
> Does someone know if what I am trying to do is feasible? How?
> Thanks for your help,
> SaM
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GRID SYSTEMS, S.A.             Rodrigo Ruiz
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Samuel Le Berrigaud

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