2007/3/28, M Wurm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I am using the Maven Artifact Antlib to use project dependencies
specified in a pom.xml.

Now I'm struggling with a project the needs different dependencies for
jre14 and jre15, hence I specify additional jre14 dependencies in a
profile that is triggered on property jre1.4.2:


Now I'd like to use the additional dependencies in my Ant build script
by using that specific profile.
Can anyone give me a hint how to get the profile support working?

Ok, I'll answer that for the archives:

I've discussed this issue with Brett Porter (who made the
announcement) and he told me one would have to set the property as a
system property, e.g. passing "-Djre1.4.2=true" to the Java VM that is
invoking Ant.

Setting a system property inside Ant is possible, but unfortunately
there are no default Ant tasks that accomplish this (to my knowledge).
However, you can write your own Ant task for this, just google for
more information.

Best Regards,

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