Assuming the instrumentation jar dependencies are available in Maven,
I might try adding them as plugin dependencies (inside the surefire
plugin node). You might also want to play with the forking modes and
SystemClassLoader surefire configuration options.

I've never done exactly this myself, but I'd be curious about your
configuration assuming you get it working... And I'm sure other people
would find this useful, too.


On 4/4/07, David Jackman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To run my tests, I have to put in place an instrumentation jar using the
-javaagent commandline argument.  I added this using the argLine
property of the surefire configuration.  However, the instrumentation
jar has its own dependencies that aren't present in the surefire booter
classpath.  Adding them to my list of project dependencies isn't
enough--they need to be in the classpath when the JVM is started.

How do I do this?


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