nicolas de loof wrote on Thursday, April 05, 2007 9:20 AM:

> Why don't we get a dependency failure if maven cannot built the
> expected classpath ?

It can, but with different versions. The xdoclet plugin itself does not declare 
any dep to ant, so it is inherited. The problem is, that the used 
maven-antrun-plugin declares a dep to ant and ant-launcher, while the used 
xdoclet:xjavadoc artifact declares a dep on ant only. Obviously is 
ant:ant-launcher:1.6.5 used in the antrun plugin not compatible to 
ant:ant:1.5.1 used in xjavadoc... and I have no idea if there are more 
transitive deps to ant in all those declared deps of the xdoclet plugin.

M206 has changed the sequence of the dep resolution and it does not have an 
idea that ant and ant-launcher are related ... since ant:ant-launcher:1.6.5 has 
a converted POM without any deps. So it worked formerly simply by chance.

Welcome to dependency hell :)

- Jörg

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