Mick Knutson wrote:
I actually used Graphiz instead of yDoc in M2 and it works great on Windows

UMLGraph is also working for me and i managed to make yDoc work as well after setting the javadoc plugin version to 2.0 (there is a bug in ater versions).

However, i have the same problem with both UMLGraph and yDoc. I suspect this happens with any doclet and is a bug in the javadoc plugin: configuration elements such as stylesheetfile and header are ignored. Should i file an issue or am i overlooking something?

For future searches in this list:

<doclet>ydoc.doclets.YStandard</doclet> <docletPath>${env.HOME}/lib/ydoc/lib/ydoc.jar:${env.HOME}/lib/ydoc/lib/class2svg.jar:${env.HOME}/lib/ydoc/resources:${project.build.directory}/classes</docletPath>



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