Our projects depend on javax.mail:mail:1.3.3:jar and
javax.activation:activation:1.0.2:jar. These artifacts are not available
from the central repository. Thus I thought I put them into our own
repository (not the local one, but our private remote repository). 

Instead of installing them in the local repository I use
deploy:deploy-file to upload them. Maven finds the artifacts on my
machine since they reside in my local repository. But one someone else's
machine Maven cannot download these artifacts. 

When I run Maven with excessive tracing I see that it downloads the
artifact from out priveate repository but then it tries to download it
from the central repository and sttes that there is no jar in the
central repository (There is only a pom).

I tried deploying the artifacts with a version suffix (e.g.
javax.mail:mail:1.3.3-p:jar). This works, but isn't the most elegant

How can I use the original version and still get Maven to download the


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